Check Out My New Podcast

Hey friends,

This week, my family has been on a camping vacation before Marley goes back to school next week. Unfortunately, that means no new blog posts for the week. However, I have other exciting news I want to share!


It is called “The Christian Life with Scott Ingram,” and is currently being distributed to every major podcasting platform as we speak, or read/write…

The first episode is available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Anchor, Pocket Casts, Breaker, RadioPublic, and Overcast. If you love my blog, but always think, “I don’t have time to read this,” then the podcast is a great option for you. I will be using it to share a lot of the same great Christian Life and Gospel Leadership insights I write about here.

Please subscribe on whichever platform you use to listen to podcasts, and if you would leave me a review, that would be even more helpful to get this thing off the ground.

You can listen to episode one below, and you can find the links to every available platform as they come available at Thanks for your support and encouragement!
