The L.I.G.H.T bible study method is a simple tool designed to help you discover the light of God’s Word through personal study and to guide you as you walk in the ways of the Lord, seeking to grow in Christ-likeness.

The L.I.G.H.T. framework is developed from long-established Bible Study Methods, taught and used for centuries by Christians just like you to grow in their understanding of the Word of God. These are the basics of reading the scripture, digging out the writer’s meaning and intentions, exploring the personal applications of the text, praying for God’s grace to activate this truth in your life, and then sharing what you learn with others.

What is the L.I.G.H.T. Framework?

  • “L” means to Look and Listen.
  • “I” means to Investigate and Interpret.
  • “G” means to Grasp and Grow.
  • “H” means to Hear and Heed the Holy Spirit.
  • “T” means to Teach and Testify to others.

Want to learn the L.I.G.H.T. Bible Study Method?

Stay Tuned

In the weeks ahead, we will be sharing some video demonstrations of how to use the method for both quick, personal devotions as well as longer, deeper dives into the scripture. And…

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