Last week I shared a word the Lord has been speaking to me concerning another healing revival that will follow this coronavirus pandemic, and I said I would talk more about the healing ministry in the weeks ahead. Before I start talking about the practicals of healing ministry, I felt like it would be a good idea to give my own background in the healing ministry, to give some credibility to what I am teaching; or at least to show that I wasn’t brainwashed into some psychological mumbo jumbo.
I am a fairly average Christian. Yes, I am a pastor and missionary and all of that, but when I compare myself to the great heroes of the faith, I am usually left feeling un-remarkable. (I don’t recommend you compare yourself to anyone but Jesus, by the way. It works out better for you in the long-run.) Never in my life could I have imagined that God would one day use me in the healing ministry. Now, however, it is one of the greatest joys of my life.
Coming to Faith
Growing up and finding my own faith in Jesus was a journey in itself. My parents had left the Baptist church when I was four, and when I had questions, all the different denominational beliefs from my extended family left me feeling more confused than before I asked. By the age of 16, I knew that my faith in Jesus was real and that I was saved. I had rejoined the church from my childhood. Beyond that, I had no intention of anything in ministry. My life’s trajectory was Texas Christian University’s “Ranch Management” program. I was going to be a full-time cowboy.
Although this is not the place for my full life story, it will suffice to say that around the age of 18, my course changed as I felt God redirecting my priorities and leading me into the ministry. Instead of TCU, I enrolled in the fundamentalist Baptist college recommended by my pastor. It also happened to be the same school where many of my family members in ministry had gone since the 1920’s. Frankly, it was also the only Bible college I knew of, which made the decision fairly easy to make.
Unbelieving Bible College
While in that Bible college, my faith really began to be tested and challenged as my hopeful outlook of God’s big plan for the world, was turned upside down by legalist rules and a lot of hypocritical, self-righteous attitudes by some of the students and faculty. Not to mention their belief that the supernatural gifts of God ceased after the 12 apostles died.
As I have discussed many times before, it was during this time that I began reading the book of Acts, not only as a historical record of the early church, but as a book that must either validate Christianity as real, or which would force me to consider that this whole thing was a myth. I began to pray for God to expand my experience to fit my convictions about the Bible, and after a few months of praying, the Holy Spirit of God filled me, just as the Bible promised.
Surprisingly to me, not everything in my life changed at once. Although there was a new, revitalized spirit within me and my optimism of the Christian faith had been renewed; and there was definitely fruit being produced in my life from this change, I was also faced with a lot of controversy and hostility from my peers and the college faculty. Nevertheless, my hunger for the things of God continued to grow.
Healing Enters The Picture
Along with my pursuit of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I also became hungry to see the power of God at work. It was around this time in my journey that divine healing entered the picture.
First, it came through stories from both my grandmothers. On my mom’s side, my grandma has always been the charismatic believer. She has always prayed in tongues and believed God for miracles. Yet for most of my life, I ignored her stories and moved along with my life. (In the worst times, I argued with her from my Baptist education, and hurt our relationship in many ways.) However, over a holiday break in college, she began recounting to me, again, all of the many miracles of healing she had seen over the years. Not only in her own body and in our family, but through former pastors and other believers she used to know. Though these stories were not new to me, I did pay more attention to them now.
It was my other grandma who surprised me with stories of healing. She had been raised in the Church of Christ her whole life, until she married my granddad and moved over to the fundamental Baptist church where I had also attended as a child and again from the age of 16.
This grandma began to tell me of different things she had seen in her own Christian life that her (our) church would not validate, yet she knew them to be true.
The craziest story she told me was about how when she was young, she was diagnosed with a severe case of appendicitis which was nearing a rupture. The doctors told the family that there was nothing they could do, medically, and sent her home. It was her older sister, however, who refused to accept that answer. This older sister, who was a faithful member of the Church of Christ until the day she died just a couple years ago, took my grandmother out to the barn, laid her down in some hay, laid hands on her and prayed a prayer of faith. My grandma’s pain instantly left, and soon everyone saw that she had been completely healed.
These stories from my own family – people I loved and trusted more than anyone – began to sink into me and stir up that hunger to see God move in these ways again.
More Stories of Healing Today
Following that Christmas break, my faith for healing went beyond just accepting the stories of the past, to being open for the present. This was due in large part to my good friend Bobby returning to college with stories of his own.
While on break, he went back to see his family in Florida, but soon found that circumstances with his parents were quite different than when he left. They had moved from the Baptist church and were now “spirit-filled,” praying in tongues, and attending a local Pentecostal congregation. The first week home, his parents asked Bobby, and his brother Tommy, who also attended college with us, to visit the church just once, to see that their parents were not crazy.
Bobby came back with incredible stories of not only healing, but mind-reading prophecies, as well. On the healing front, he had watched his grandfather’s swollen ankle shrink back down to normal size through the pastor’s prayer. His grandmother, who had been keeping her arm in a sling, was also prayed for and was able to lift her arm above her head with full strength.
One prophecy was made over Tommy, that he would receive a healing anointing. That evening the pastor called Tommy up to lay hands on an old woman as he prayed. The woman fell down under God’s power and the pain in her back completely left. (She did end up with a minor headache, as she bumped her head on the pew as she went down…)
All of these stories, old and new, built a burning desire in me to see God’s healing power for myself. It didn’t take long.
I Got Healed
A few months went by, and as I have shared in other places, Bobby got us invited to a “revival” meeting at the church of a Nigerian missionary to the U.S. We couldn’t wait to go, based on the pastor’s presentation of the revival as being full of “healings, miracles, deliverances, and more!”
On the first day of the revival meeting, however, I woke up in the morning in terrible pain. My stomach felt like something had broken inside, and I couldn’t deal with it. I skipped class that day to go to the E.R; where I received x-rays and an MRI of my stomach, all to no avail. The diagnosis I left with was the same as I had written on my intake form: “extreme abdominal pain.”
Discouraged and still hurting, I did manage to go to the revival service that night, where we did, in fact, see many incredible things we had only imagined up to then. Demons were being cast out. People were falling under God’s power (although we still struggled to accept that as really from God).
It was at the end of the night that the pastor said something like, “I know some of you came for healing, but we are not praying for the sick one-by-one tonight. We are doing that tomorrow. However, if you are sick, God can still heal you, now,” and he prayed a general prayer over the congregation.
To my surprise, as he prayed this prayer, all of the pain in my stomach instantly left. No trace. And it never came back.
As people were leaving, I went to greet the pastor and told him of my healing. He quickly put me on the mic to share with the dispersing crowd what God had just done, to help raise their expectations for the next night. Needless to say, we made sure to go back!
Years of Charismatic Stagnation
From this time on, my Christian walk remained rather stale. I was still in Bible college, and struggling with the pessimistic Christian culture and the little bits of ongoing backlash I faced there. Nevertheless, I did graduate in 2007 with a Bachelor’s degree in Bible.
Two years before, I had also began interning in the summers with a missionary group in Mexico, and I spent June of ’07 with them. Then, I took my first trip to Uganda with my friend, Micah, in July.
On that trip, we again saw things that piqued our interest in spiritual things: deliverances taking place, healing evangelism at work, etc. Still, it didn’t have any effect on actually bringing me into doing those things myself.
From there I returned to the Texas and joined the staff of Grace Baptist Church as Associate Pastor. I was also invited to minister with another international missionary organization, Heart of God International Ministries (HGIM), on a volunteer basis, which took me back to East Africa multiple times, as well as India and eventually Israel and Haiti.
Again, I believed whole-heartedly in healing, and at times would try my hand at praying for the sick, but never saw healing take place. Despite my desire, I began to think this gift was not for me.
In 2012, the HGIM’s work in Haiti required the long-term presence of the U.S. Team, and I resigned from the church, became a full-time missionary-evangelist, and moved to Haiti for almost a year. It was during this time that I got serious about praying for the sick.
Continual Failure
While living in Haiti, I primarily oversaw the orphanage work of HGIM. However, I was also preaching in church services every Sunday, and often on other days as well. Within the church culture there, it is standard for people to approach the pastor for prayer following every service. As these poor people do not have the financial ability to go see doctors for general health issues, the majority of my praying each week centered on physical healing.
Sunday after Sunday I was praying for neck pain, back problems, recurring headaches, cold and flu-like symptoms (common to the people in the mountains where I was staying), and more. These weren’t “major” healing issues like cancer or AIDS, so for some reason, my mind thought these things should be easier to see healed. They weren’t.
It didn’t matter what I did. Week after week, no one was getting healed. Not once, from March to October, did a single person claim to be healed through my prayers. I didn’t know what was happening. I had been reading every scripture about prayer. I believed that, as James says, that the prayer of faith would heal the sick (see James 5:15). I was praying with all the faith I could manage, yet was met with a continual failure to see healing manifest. I had no idea what was wrong.
My Introduction to Randy Clark
It was at this time that I began looking for mature Christian leaders who had a verifiable healing ministry from whom I could learn.
I read a few biographies of different ministers in the past who had great healing ministries. They were encouraging, but they didn’t teach me how to pray for the sick. I watched some YouTube videos of modern street-evangelists who practiced healing, and I got a few insights from them. However, the turning point was when I found a book on the Apple Bookstore, by two men named Randy Clark and Bill Johnson. The book was called, “The Essential Guide to Healing.”
Despite the fact that these men were quite famous in charismatic circles already, I have to admit I did not know much about them. In fact, had I known beforehand that Randy was involved with that “Toronto Blessing” some Baptist pastors had warned us about, I probably wouldn’t have read the book at all.
As I began the book and read their biographical stories in the first two chapters, much of the spiritual life of Randy resonated with my own upbringing – charismatic grandparents, faith-filled youth, Baptist education that challenged it all, and a lot more. I immediately knew this was someone I would learn from.
As I continued the book, I learned Randy’s “five-step prayer model” for healing, and I began using it in my post-church service prayers. Still nothing happened…
I also read in the book about “impartation,” or the transferring of anointing through the laying on of hands. (I shared about impartation on my podcast recently, and don’t want to dig into it here.) Suffice it to say, I began to think that perhaps this is what I needed. After all, I had never been part of a charismatic church. Nor had I ever really been mentored by anyone in the ministry, beyond what Bible college tries to teach.
I began to question my own assumptions, which I had for years, that you either have a gift or you don’t, and that they would simply appear one day, and just work. While that may be true at times, what I found is that most of the time, spiritual gifts are not instant.
It began to make more sense to me that the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit would likely be learned, built and passed on through the Christian community, from one generation to another, just as it did in the Bible. They are developed in a person as part of their life in the body of Christ.
Promise of Impartation
One night, as I was sitting on the balcony of the house where I lived in Haiti, I was praying and asking God to speak to me about healing and growing in the gift. I very clearly heard Him speaking to me, saying that “in October, Randy will be doing a conference. If you will go to the conference, he will lay hands on you and you will receive and impartation for healing.”
I got so excited. I didn’t even know Randy Clark would consider coming to Haiti, so I quickly began to look at his website to find out when he would visit! Unfortunately, I discovered that he was not coming anywhere near Haiti.
Instead, what I learned was that at the end of October, Randy would be hosting his biggest conference of the year in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, called “The Voice of the Apostles.” This just happened to be taking place a few days before I was supposed to go to South Sudan with my organization, so I immediately began making arrangements to go.
Confronting My Doubts
During the conference, once again coming into a major charismatic event as an outsider, I began to see and experience things I could never imagine. I questioned many things happening around me, and thankfully, was given quick validation from the Lord almost every time, that what I was seeing was from Him.
There was holy laughter taking place through Rolland Baker, which I strongly doubted, until it was me on the floor laughing.
There were angelic encounters! I had been feeling a slight tickle on the top of my head for three days, when finally a woman came to me and asked, “Do you know you have an angel messing with your head? I have seen him from across the room for three days, but was never close enough to you to tell you.” Unfortunately, she wasn’t sure what he was doing. (I can tell you that the whole event did mess with my mindset about God and His work, though…)
There were words of knowledge (another gift of the Spirit listed in the Bible) coming from many of the speakers. Again I was skeptical, until Georgian Banov called out “old knee injuries from basketball accidents.” Up to that point, I had very bad knees from middle school basketball. I actually had to quit sports in 9th grade because of it. As I went forward for prayer, I was instantly healed, again!
Finally the time came for Randy’s impartation session. Over 8,000 people prayed for the touch of God on their life, and I was beginning to get discouraged that my impartation might not actually come as the Lord had told me.
As Randy led us into this time, he said “there is no way I can pray for all of you, but I have a team who have travelled with me around the world. If you begin to sense God touching you – you feel electricity in your body, or heat, or you get cold, or you begin to shake – then put your hand in the air and my team will come pray for you.”
As Randy prayed over the room, I told the Lord, “You said Randy would pray for me, but if it comes through his team, I will take whatever You have for me here.” Then my right hand began to shake uncontrollably.
After his prayer, Randy left the platform, and I began to put my hand in the air to receive prayer from the team. Quickly, however, Randy turned back to the microphone and said, “I forgot to say it, but if you are a full-time missionary or evangelist, come up here on stage. I want to pray for you.”
As quickly as I could get there, I climbed onto the stage. I was the second person in line when Randy began to pray for us. All I remember was him putting his finger on my open hands and saying, “Lord, I bless Anthony…” (which he read on my nametag) and I fell to the floor under God’s presence.

Two hours later, Randy’s stage crew came to clear bodies from the stage for the next session’s sound check. I stumbled back to my chair, still feeling the weightiness of God’s presence, where I sat with an electric pulse occasionally hitting my body and causing me to jerk. (This lasted for the next week, causing my dad, a long-time paramedic, to wonder what was wrong with his son. He thought I might have had a stroke, or was having micro-seizures.)
Something had definitely happened in Randy’s prayer, though. Could this be what I had been seeking for years? Could this actually be an impartation for healing? I supposed time would tell….
I do not usually write about myself in this way, and would love to hear your feedback in the comments section below.
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© Anthony Scott Ingram 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Photo by Sozo Ministries, Inc.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”
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April 25, 2020 @ 6:09 am
Hallelujah, so inspiring man of God, thanks for sharing
April 2, 2021 @ 12:17 pm
Thank you, Anthony. This is very encouraging. I need to listen to your podcast on impartation, which I plan on doing this afternoon. I’ve been trying to minister healing to people for a while now, but it seems like I have no power even though I think I have faith (there’s an English Catholic named Damian Stayne who talks about creedal faith as opposed to the charism of faith, and perhaps all I have is creedal faith). Hearing your story and that you had a very similar experience is extremely helpful.
August 2, 2022 @ 11:10 am
The timing of our Heavenly Father and the growth/development of His Kingdom never cease to encourage and amaze me. The old Charismatic slang talk about having ones “mail read” sometimes gets overused. However, not in this instance. You and your team may just as well have been camped out with us in our living room. Thank God and thank you for being clear and compassionate so that a broken, burned out minister of the gospel can get a true breathe of REVIVAL!!! AMEN!