On “The Christian Life” Podcast, I share lessons and insights, on what it means to follow Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit as we live this Christian Life.
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Episode Archive
Episode 10: How to Keep a Bible Journal
In this episode of The Christian Life we look at how to keep a scripture journal, from picking out which journal you will actually use, to the logistics of a time and place, and of course, we look in depth at the things we want to keep a record of each day, as we spend time in the Word of God.
Episode 9: How To Study The Bible
Every Christian knows the Bible is God’s Word, and that we should be studying it daily, however too many do not do so. In this episode I seek to equip you to study the Bible for yourself and motivate you to jump in daily.
Episode 8: Applying Theology
What do you think when you hear the word “Theology?” Is it something to be avoided? Divisive? Over-complicated? The reality is good theology is simply having a good understanding of scripture, which goes deeper than just a “head-knowledge” about God. It must go to the heart level and have practical effects in our lives.
Episode 7: Growing in Discernment
In order to live the Christian Life successfully, discernment is one of the greatest skills you must develop. You must learn to distinguish between your own thoughts, input and lies from the enemy, and the voice of the Lord. As we currently find ourselves in a season where external input is leading many to fear, anxiety and hopelessness, it is the perfect season to learn how to walk in discernment and walk in obedience to the Lord.
Episode 6: How to Hear God’s Voice
Hearing God’s Voice is one of the most vital things we can do as believers, to build our relationship with the Lord. Yet, too many believers have not learned to hear Him speaking for themselves. In this episode, we take a look at how God speaks to His people in the bible and in the present day, and pray that you might learn to hear Him for yourself.
Episode 5: Hearing God’s Voice – The Christian Life Podcast
Hearing God’s Voice is one of the most common topics in my writings and teachings, but something I don’t directly explain often. In this episode we look at Hearing God’s voice
Episode 4: Impartation — The Christian Life Podcast
Impartation might be described as the “transferring of an anointing from one person to another.” In this episode Pastor Scott discuss the biblical basis for impartation through the laying on of hands, and shares the impact it has had on his own life and ministry.
Special Episode: Fear, Faith, and COVID19
As the world is shutting down, due to the COVID19 pandemic, many believers are wondering how to respond. I hope to encourage you to stand in faith, rather than giving in to fear in this confusing season.
Episode 3: Holy Spirit — The Christian Life Podcast
The Holy Spirit is the greatest promise of God for living the Christian Life. In this episode we discuss the role of the Holy Spirit at He fills believers to seal their salvation, equip them for holy living, and empower them to be witnesses in the world.
Episode 2: Salvation — The Christian Life Podcast
Salvation is the starting point for the Christian Life. In this episode we look at the offer of salvation in Jesus Christ, and seek to answer questions like:
— “Why does a person need to be saved?”
— “How does salvation come?”
— “How do we know Jesus is the only way to salvation?”
— “Can a person lose their salvation?”
— “Why do Christians feel the need to preach salvation to everyone else?”
Check Out My New Podcast
Unfortunately, I have been on vacation this week, which means no new blog post to share. However, my brand new podcast is now available. Check it out!